
Hello and welcome, I'm Ivan Miceta, self taught web developer, located in Belgrade, Serbia. In this section you can get familiar with my developer skills, resources I used while learning and detailed biography.

In the spring of 2020, I decided to invest time end effort to start learning web development. That road was hard, sometimes painful, and just one simple thing kept me moving forward.

I fell in love with coding.

The joy and satisfaction felt when I solved 'FizzBuzz' challenge, when my first project appeared 'live' on Github, or when I solved first CodeWars 'kata', was overwhelming and contagious.

It superseded, by far, all frustrations, disappointments, doubts and obstacles that are present and inevitable when trying to learn such a complex and vast topic such as a programming language.

I sincerely hope that after reviewing this portfolio, you will find my time well spent and my current skills level adequate for your needs. Looking forward to hear from you...

Ivan's photo

Resume punchline:😀

Highly motivated self taught web developer, irreversibly addicted to newly discovered world of programming. As a former pro athlete, gained great experience in collaborating in groups and playing different roles. Eager to start new career in an attractive and challenging web development industry